#13 The Secret of the Crooked Cat

By William Arden (Dennis Lynds), 1970
1970 Hardbound.  Kane cover.
Hitchcock cover.  PB 1981 Adragna cover.
Keyhole Cover.  PB 1984, Adragna cover.
Scholastic. Jan. 1984.  Adragna cover.
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Random House Trade and GLB Hardbound Editions 

First Printed: 1970 
Cover Art: Harry Kane 
Internal Illustrations: Harry Kane
ISBN's: Trade Ed. 0-394-81188-7; GLB 0-394-91188-1

Trade Edition First Printing Identifiers: 
1.) Lists to "The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon" on the back cover. 
2.) No ISBN on the copyright page.

Other Trade Edition First Printing Traits: 
- Matte cover finish 
- Blue graveyard endpapers 

Notes: A later printing, circa 1977, of the Trade Edition was manufactured with the glossy cover finish. This printing lists to "The Mystery of the Headless Horse" on the back cover and has plain white endpapers. 

- As shown to the left, later printings of the GLB Edition used Robert Adragna's cover art.

First Printed: circa 1981
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: Harry Kane
ISBN: 0-394-91188-1

Earliest Printing Identifier: None

Notes: The mint, un-circulated example pictured to the left lists to #28 on the rear inside list. But, most likely, this book wasn't actually manufactured until at least 1981 when the Adragna art first appeared on the Paperback Edition.
Random House First Paperback Edition 

"Hitchcock Cover"

First Printed: 1981 
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-394-84677-X

First Printing Identifier: 1234567890 number line on the copyright page.

Notes: As with all of The Three Investigators paperback titles printed in 1981, this book can be found with the Mystery Quiz/Bookmark page attached inside the front or back cover.
Random House Revised Paperback Edition 

"Keyhole Cover"

First Printed: 1984 
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-394-86413-1

First Printing Identifier: 1234567890 number line on the copyright page.
Scholastic Book Services Paperback Edition 

First Printed: January 1984 
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-590-32504-3

First Printing Identifier: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 number line on the copyright page.

Notes:  This was the last Three Investigators title published by Scholastic and it can be one of the more difficult books to locate.