As before, this is a fun section with serious intentions. If there should ever come a time when the series is revived, it would be nice to see true fans/enthusiasts of the series be considered in the process. For example, why not have people who grew up reading the Three Investigators and having a real connection to them write new stories or create cover and internal art for the books? Whether or not the the series lives on in publication, I believe it's important to showcase the talents of those who have an interest in The Three Investigators. If you or someone you know has a flair for drawing or has perhaps written a Three Investigators mystery - either on a professional or amateur level, your efforts are welcome here. Please feel free to e-mail a sample of your work and I will consider putting it up here on the site - I may even devote an entire page to your work.
Enjoy the following Three Investigators short stories and songs:
The Haunted Maze by A.J. Goode. Uploaded March, 2014 for the 50th anniversary of the series.