The Three Investigators
Here are some links to other great Three Investigators sites. Also, a listing of other interesting sites concerning series books is included.

THE JONES SALVAGE YARD - Seemingly still intact in 2025, it's an interesting archive full of history from the earliest years of the modern T3I era. This was the original center of the Three Investigator's universe on the Internet from 1998-2005. Collectors and fans met here to discuss and share a huge variety of information pertaining to all things Three Investigators. No matter what your interest in this series, there was something here for you.

I highly recommend Philip Fulmer's 3 Investigators Readers' Web Site Almost everything you ever wanted to know about the stories and the characters. Check out the diagrams of Headquarters and the Jones Salvage Yard and take a tour!

Elizabeth Arthur's and Steven Bauer's OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS OF THE THREE INVESTIGATORS is an absolute must for the fan who finally wants to acquaint himself with the creator of our favorite series, Robert Arthur. The site features an almost complete bibliography of Arthur's work along with many pictures!

For details on restoring and preserving your Three Investigators books, Robert Held's The Secrets of the Three Investigators is definitely worth a visit!  A very professional and well-designed site.

The Three Investigators in Italy.  One of the newest sites featuring the trio from Rocky Beach!

U.K. author Mark West's Three Investigators Blog where he offers reviews of the first 30 books in the series.

Seth's Salvage Yard I have to give my own Three Investigators book sales page a plug.  I specialize and feature Three Investigators books and related material.  I offer custom scanning and can answer virtually any question you may have about the various books or editions with no cost or obligation.  Whether you are buying from me or someone else, I can help you build the type of collection you desire.

The Mad Scientists' Club - Created and maintained by Bertrand Brinley's son, Sheridan.  Learn all about the author and how he wrote these superb stories.  The books are back in print and available to order from Purple House Press!

Jennifer Fisher maintains the Nancy Drew Sleuth Unofficial Website a large site that covers just about everything Nancy Drew!  Well-maintained and frequently updated, definitely worth your time.

It seems that the books by Enid Blyton are popular everywhere in the world except for the U.S.!  Visit Keith Robinson's amazing fan site at, you'll discover lots of new reading material here.

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